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FPSO Market Analysis

Floating Production Projects

  /    /  Floating Production Projects

Developing Your Resources

Having engaged in floating production projects all over the world, we’ve built a solid reputation for being able to deliver successful projects in remote locations.

Our skill lies in our ability to understand these challenging environments and allowing our clients to confidently and successfully develop their resources.

Lenders Technical Advisory for FSO

  • Project Name: Confidential
  • Location: South East Asia
  • Client: Confidential

BE&R resources provided technical expertise and advisory support services to a leading multi-national bank for an FSO (Floating Storage Offloading) destined for the Asia-Pacific region.  BE&R was approached to comment on the condition of the asset and confirm the FSO was fit for purpose. The FSO was evaluated to determine whether it met the requirements to operate within the field and compliance with applicable rules and regulations set by the classification society, and applicable maritime organisation or government requirements. In addition, BE&R reviewed the borrower’s EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety) policies set forth by the charterer and the buyer EHS program and advised whether the policies aligned with the market standards.

FSO evaluation
for redeployment after field life end

  • Project Name: Confidential
  • Location: Australia
  • Client: Confidential

BE&R assessed the Client’s FSO currently deployed and under operation. The evaluation included review of key technical documentation such as basis of design, FSO technical specification, maintenance plan, monthly performance data, and class certificates. BE&R determined the potential redeployment scenarios for the FSO and undertook a high-level asset valuation.

Speak To Our Expert Today

If you’re interested in speaking with BE&R Consulting, talk to our floating production expert directly, Mark Evans.

Risk-based inspection plan
for Woodside Okha FPSO based in Carnarvon Basin

  • Project Name: RBI OKHA FPSO Mooring System
  • Location: Carnarvon Basin, North-West Australia
  • Client: Woodside Energy Ltd.

BE&R developed the risk-based inspection plans for the Okha FPSO mooring system. The scope included developing a system description, service history, In Service Inspection Plan (ISIP), acceptance criteria for inspection results, and scope sheets providing details of planned inspections. The RBI included the mooring system from gravity-based anchors to RTM (Riser Turret Mooring). BE&R used a proven semi-quantitative risk based approach in line with API-RP-580/581 with specific expert design and operational input.

Platform BESS Retrofit

  • Project Name: BESS Installation on Okha FPSO
  • Location: North West Shelf
  • Client: Clough

BE&R provided naval architecture support and safety engineering support for input to the vendor documentation for BESS (battery and transformer units only) location on OKHA FPSO. BE&R assessed the condition and strength of the existing structure, installation access, stability and technical safety. BE&R reviewed vendor quotations/specifications for suitability of proposed locations. Leading BE&R to propose three locations and conduct an in-depth check of local structure for supporting the BESS. BE&R conducted the offshore survey in support of Clough.


Contact Our Floating
Production Expert

Speak directly to Mark Evans.

Director | Energy & Marine


Floating Production


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